Call 1-877-744-5675 (Monday-Friday 8 AM-8 PM ET)

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Get Support That’s Specific to Your Medicine

Select the Pfizer Oncology medicine you were prescribed to see the support that's available to you from Pfizer Oncology Together.

Please see BRAFTOVI Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING.

Please see MYLOTARG full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING.

Please see TRAZIMERA Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING, or visit

Please see RUXIENCE Medication Guide and full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING, or visit

Please see SUTENT Medication Guide and full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING regarding serious liver problems, or visit

Please see RETACRIT Medication Guide and full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING, or visit

Please see DAURISMO Medication Guide and full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING, or visit

Please see ELREXFIO Medication Guide and full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING, or visit

Please see BESPONSA full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING, or visit

Please see Important Facts about ADCETRIS, including BOXED WARNING.

Please see TIVDAK Medication Guide and full Prescribing Information, including IMPORTANT BOXED WARNING.

Support Resources for IBRANCE ® (palbociclib)

Co-pay savings card
Pfizer Oncology Together Co-Pay Savings Program for Injectables

You can enroll in the co-pay savings program for injectables by clicking the button below.

Patient Access Section
Patient Access Navigator Support

If you’ve been prescribed ELREXFIO, you can receive one-on-one support from a Pfizer Patient Access Navigator. Whether you have questions about getting started on treatment or need help understanding what your plan may look like, you can turn to your Patient Access Navigator for support. See how Patient Access Navigators can help.

Co-pay savings card
Pfizer Oncology Together Co-Pay Savings Program for Injectables

You can enroll in the co-pay savings program for injectables by clicking the button below.


Get started:



Personal Information

Co-pay information

Please verify the following information to receive a co-pay savings card:

Eligible patients must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Currently live in the United States or Puerto Rico
  • Not have insurance from any federal healthcare program (including Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or any other state or federal medical pharmaceutical benefit program or pharmaceutical assistance program)
  • Not be over 65 years of age and not retired and, if the patient has a partner, the same would apply to their partner
  • Not receive Social Security Disability or any other Social Security Administration benefit
  • Not receive health insurance through the military
  • Review and agree to the Terms and Conditions and attest that the patient is eligible to participate in this program

Patient Information

Please note, you must be at least 18 years of age to complete this form. If you are under 18 or need assistance, please call 1-877-744-5675 for support.

Patient Address

Caregiver Information

Caregiver Address

ELREXFIO Prescriber or Doctor Information

Co-pay savings card
Co-pay Portal

You can sign up for the co-pay savings program once you've filled out this form and click the "Submit" button.

Privacy Statement for Co-Pay Savings Program: Pfizer understands that your personal and health information is private and will only use your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The information you provide will only be used by Pfizer and parties acting on its behalf to send you the materials you requested, as well as other helpful product and/or related product information, disease state information, offers, and services.

By clicking "submit," you agree to share your contact information and certain health information with Pfizer and Pfizer's service providers and grant permission for those entities to send you helpful information regarding Pfizer's products, treatments, and offers. Pfizer values your privacy; this personal information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time by clicking “Unsubscribe” in the communications you receive.

This form may take a few moments to submit. Please wait until you receive confirmation.

*Patients are not eligible to use this card if they are enrolled in a state or federally funded insurance program, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, Veterans Affairs health care, a state prescription drug assistance program, or the Government Health Insurance Plan available in Puerto Rico.

Some services are provided through third-party organizations that operate independently and are not controlled by Pfizer. Availability of services and eligibility requirements are determined solely by these organizations.

Visit our Medicines page to learn about support resources that are available for additional Pfizer Oncology medicines.

Looking for help? Call 1-877-744-5675 (Monday–Friday 8 AM–8 PM ET)